Free spirits' discussion of Tolkien, Middle-earth, and life.
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The forum of dIIve Productions. (http://diive. byethost10. com)
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Lord Pker Server/Forums. Hello this is the forums of the server lordpker. no-ip. biz
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Free forum : Stormshield - A Lotro kinship of the [EU]Laurelin server
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The Home Of The Lord Gaming Clan. We play Battlestar Galactica Online, Star Trek Online, Neverwinter, and finally World Of Warships. Join Today!
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A Sound Soul Dwells Within A Sound Mind And A Sound Body. . .
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Free forum : Forum of the Valour of the Ancients Kinship from Lord of the Rings Online
Free forum : Lord of the Rings Kinship. Free forum : Flames of Westernesse
The Wizarding World Joys with the defeat if Lord Voldemort but. is he really gone? The Deatheaters who have managed to elude Azkaban beleive he will return since their was one horcrux n
Free forum : This is an Asylum owned by vampires. The vampires here allow all speices stay at their Mansion beside the Asylum. The Asylum is a place where you go to praise the Vampire's lord.
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We are a minecraft server looking for more members to join our epic build of middle-earth!
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Free forum : Lord of the Rings Online, Laurelin Kinship
Free forum : Welcome one and all to the new Lord team! Members please be active in rhynn and in this forum.
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Free forum : This free space is for discuss doctrines of Lord Buddha. Kalyanamithrayo (NobleDhammaFriends) always with you in dhamma. !
Chaos Vortex: Through the Doctor Eras, from First to Eleventh. What happens when the Master comes back again? And when the Time Lords are brought back, recreated, is it good.. Or just chaos?
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Welcome to The One Ring. . . Lord of the Rings - and more!
Wheel of Time's The Old Tongue It means: "Dedicated Dragon Lord/s"
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An adventurous roleplay in a world loosely based on JRR Tolkien's Lord of the Rings, Terry Brooks' Shannara series, and a lot of original content.
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The official Grand Moot Forums!. The Grand Moot. LOTRO lord of the rings eldar server raids,
The Official Forum of the Inner Geeks speculative fiction club
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STAR WARS text based Roleplay
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