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Mage Academy

A world scared by its past, first by nature, then by its people, everything falls down to being restored by those that once ruled it, or obtain a new mantle that will alter it forever under a completely changed leadership.

mage, academy, magic, mages, fantasy, modern, alternate, world, high

Our Alternate Lex

OAL. Our Alternate Lex. OAL, . Our Alternate Lex. OAL,


The Alternate Blake Street.

You thought the real Blake Street was bad? Try this one... Nothing is as it should be. No one is safe. Ever.

alternate, blake, street, thought, real, bad? try, this, nothing, should, safe, ever

Take Me To Wonderland

All is not right with Wonderland. Though the war has ended, it's left plenty of scars. What was once a utopia has turned into a dystopia and there seems to be no one who can save it. . .

wonderland, syfy's, alice, based, loosely, syfy, hatter, queen, white, cheshire, rabbit, hearts, king, dystopia, dystopian, society, alternate, universe, roleplay, through

Dragonball Galaxy

An Alternate Universe of the Dragonball Universe. Will you protect it or destroy it?

dragonball, galaxy, alternate, universe, will, protect, destroy

The Ties That Bind

Marauders Era Alternate Universe RPG, Enter a Universe you have not yet explored. Attend Hogwarts or our very own Unique school, WolfClaw Academy of Magic, Join as an Original Character or Canon Character. Attend Classes, get a job and start working

harry, potter, ties, that, bind, hermione, granger, weasley, death, eaters, dark, lord, mark, evil, good, order, phoenix, role, playing, game

Free forum : Bleach Awakening of the Elder Ones

Free forum : A Bleach RP based in an alternate universe. Years of struggle and strife are common on this planet. But these conflicts may begin to involve those that should have remained sleeping.

bleach, roleplay, awakening, ascended, ones, alernate, universe, zafaron, uriuc, shinigami, quincies, superhumans, arrancar, soul, society, bounts, hueco, mundo, karakura

Shinobi Stlye: A Naruto RPG Forum

A Naruto RPG that takes place in an alternate timeline. We hope to help people that are new to RPG forums and love the Naruto manga to start out. Veteran Role players are welcome too.

forum, naruto, enjoyable, environment, free

Black Order Headquarters

An Indonesian D. Gray-Man original character (OC) roleplay forum set in an alternate late 19th century

free, black, order, headquarters, indonesian, gray-man, original, character, roleplay, forum

Dragonball Z: Return of Conflict

This is an alternate reality Dragon Ball Z Roleplaying Forum. Here you will be able to re-create some of the most epic battles in Dragon Ball History. The twist? You are controlling the way the story ends.

dragonball, return, conflict, this, alternate, reality, dragon, ball, roleplaying, forum, here, will, able, re-create, some, most, epic, battles, history, twist?, controlling


A forum where you can discuss history, alternate history, and (with civility) politics.

terra, historia, discuss, history, alternate, (with, civility), politics

Naruto Resistance

This is a Naruto role play forum set in an alternate universe with a dedication to being a cut above the rest in several aspects!

naruto, resistance, role, play, alternate, universe, dedication, rest, aspects!

Binate Realms

Free forum : Welcome to TiiChee and Semitra, a dual planetary system consisting of all kind of ecosystems and environments, where any and all species can exist and interact in this alternate universe.

free, binate, realms, welcome, tiichee, semitra, dual, planetary, system, consisting, kind, ecosystems, environments, where, species, exist

Bleach: Soul dynasty

A forum based Bleach RP set in an alternate universe from canon! Create your own character and play a direct role in the progress of the world!

bleach, soul, dynasty, forum, based, alternate, universe, from, canon!, create, your, character, play, direct, role, progress, world!

Bleach Exile

A Bleach Alternate Universe

bleach, exile, alternate, universe


Forum about he Destroyermen series is a series of alternate history books, written by American writer and historian Taylor Anderson.

destroyermen, series, alternate, history, books, written, american, writer, historian, taylor, anderson

Free forum : Teleportation Device RPG

Free forum : The new home of the new home of the new home of the RPG once on Scratch.

free, forum, teleportation, device, home, role-playing, game, walking, trees, alternate, universes

Free forum : The Hunger Games RPG

Free forum : Where anything can happen! Create a character, discuss the books, or make alternate endings for the books!

free, forum, hunger, games, roleplay, mockingjay, catching, fire, role, playing, roleplaying, game

The Alchemy of Faith

Free forum : A shapeshifter roleplay set in a sort of alternate, old style world.

free, alchemy, faith, shapeshifter, roleplay, sort, alternate, style, world

Welcome to MLP Friendship Is OC RP

A My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic OC RP forum. (Now with Fallout Equestria! )

free, forum, friendship, little, pony, magic, ponies, role, play, fallout, equestria, zompony, mane, original, character, social, alternate, universe, silly

Free forum : Alternate KnT

Free forum : Just for our random Craziness that was shunned on the original~

free, alternate

Galiavan: Nightmare Apocalypse

An alternate storyline for Galiavan: 2657

galiavan:, nightmare, apocalypse, alternate, galiavan, 2657

BurstFire Legacy

Free forum : In an alternate timeline, Future Trunks was killed by Cell and took his time machine to the past. This left the world in a state of calm as humanity sought to put itself back together after losing so much to the Androids. After 200 years

burst, burstfire, legacy

Ever After Alternate Universe

This is where members of the DeviantArt group EverAfterau can collaborate in building up the worlds of their stories. Also where members can post significant events.

alternate, universe, members, deviantart, group, everafterau, collaborate, building, worlds, stories, post, events

The Worlds Collide

A Collection of Alternate Universe Hetalia Role-plays

worlds, collide, collection, alternate, universe, hetalia, role-plays

Bleach: Damnation

A semi Alternate Universe Bleach RolePlay

bleach:, damnation, semi, alternate, universe, bleach, roleplay

Fate of the Warriors

Set in the universe of Erin Hunter's Warrior Cat Series, our original roleplay follows the lives of the clan cats in the Original Forest Territories.

warrior, cats, warriors, roleplay, erin, hunter, clan, series, alternate, thunderclan, windclan, forum, riverclan, shadowclan, skyclan, active

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